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Basic Game Tips and Tricks!

⍟ Before reading and even continue playing your game, please be aware, DO NOT use your speedups (no matter what speedup it is), your hero fragments (including location a hero with first 10 fragments) and your stamina (especially the green stamina)

⍟ This game brings out plenty different kinds of events, but always let you "Waste" your backpack or anything you collected, without those events yet come out. And thus, it will lead you to either "Impossible to reach event objectives" or "Pay/spend/buy bundles" to get them

⍟ If you want to profit from the game events "As much as possible" then you need to "COLLECT, SAVE" anything you have. (Including what you buy with a bundle. I will try to make a list down below, which items should be collected until an event comes out for it)

⍟The list of items that you should collect:

-Hero Gear Parts

-Hero Set Designs

-Chief Gear Parts (DO NOT PRODUCE IT, wait for the propper event comes out)

-Chief Gear- Medals (Dont produce Medals, only collect medal frags, and tags as much as possible)

-Stamina (Green Ones)

-Construction, Research, Training and General Speedups

-Hero Fragments (Every kind of hero fragments)

-Hero skill books

-Hero experience books

-Hunting Books (both complete and incomplete; especially complete ones) -Chief Experience Tags (Don't use them right away, cus each new chief level will let your stamina fulled)

-Advanced and Epic Search Maps

⍟ Which event is the best for a "f2p" person? I would say it "Survival of the Fittest Event". And this event will have 7 stages inside. Those stages will consume the ones below -Hero Gear Parts -Hero Set designs (when you complete first 2 sets) -Any kind of speedups -Hero fragments -Chief Gear equipments (Producing stage) -Chief Gear- Medals (Producing stage)

⍟ Which events best for wasting stamina (green one)? It is "hunting the hunter" event , for sure. We also call it travis event. Lasts for 72 hours (3 days). You can have lots of speedups in this event.

⍟What if i dont wana wait for some rallies? Then do a friend rally, level 5 preferably, or do a "White" or "Purple" travis cabin

⍟What is daily missions/tasks/to do's/must have been dones?

-Make 1 plague zone, which will allow you to chance of gaining "Maddie hero fragments" after game reset, and will give you hero gear parts and "maybe" jane fragments, right after you neutralize a plague zone

-Make a rally to a level5 friend, or join one of them. This will let you complete a daily mission, have a chance of getting "General epic hero fragment" and 400k rss each

-Keep a look into your biker event (for hero skill books for free, and daily refresh it after making 5-7 of the tasks done; and keep a look at the "missions-research missions" tab too. That research missions will be 4x3-4 per 3 days as far as i notices and total of 12-16 hours freely speeds up a research before you start it. Tasks inside really easy peasy so do them

-Always reach 325 points daily, minimum. Cus this will be the only way for getting all "Healing speedups" from game. Every daily mission crates (in missions tasks) will let you have some healing speedups and some rss according to your HQ level

-Do 6 times timer helps to other bases troop training speedups. Do not forget 3 epic hero badges worth of 2400 biocaps (600 bios in vip6 store, weekly limit.) -Do 5 times daily free map research. Its countdown timer is 5 minutes per each time

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