Suha of S10

Jun 24, 20202 min

Alliance Showdown

Alliance Showdown: Is an event that "simulates" fighting's 1 vs 1 in each lines. Game mechanism works like below:

Maksimum 10 active people can register for each line. so 30 active people will be on total, rest doesnt feel "broken" because the troops had been sent over any line will give you that lines rewards  (no matter if you are active or reservist)

Player fighting points = Your power in fact. The tricks to increase those are shown below:

1-Get all troops 1:1:1 strategy, as much as possible. For example: If you have t8 max.; then you will need to send **1/2 t8** - **1/2 t8** - **1/2 t8 ****+++** **1/2 t7** - **1/2 t7** -** 1/2 t7** 

2-Your researches on war in research lab will better your stats

3-Your talents in "Chief Talents" will better your stats (DO THIS BEFORE YOU SEND YOUR TROOPS TO A LANE, after sending your troops in WAR talents, your stats will be saved so; even tho after you change into farm; just don't send-register your troops again)

4-Hero gears-Chief gears directly effect your power too

5-Choosing your heroes according to their buffs on troops and extra buffs-debuffs on "Enemy settlement-etc"

After doing that you will be in a list from 1 to 10 (They will be listed according to showdown power points which aligned by game mechanism)

When the showdown started; this will happen;

10th number(lowest player of the lane) will match with Opponents lowest players troops

Which side is survives, will continue matching with higher rank player; with its remaining troops  (game will simulate the fight, and some troops will be lost in the simulation, rest of the troops will stand and fight with the higher rank)

If it troops remaining again, it will fight with another and another,but each person can max. fight with 2 people per round max until a lane lacks out of troops. Example is given in the below picture! have fun!



