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Alliance Throw-down

Alliance throw-down is an event with both solo points and alliance points are valuable. Better solo points you do, better the alliance point will have. (Alliance Points = All Members Point)

How to make your points maximum?

1-Do not rush yourself with current challenges. We have 15 challenges at a time (if no one takes any in last 30 minutes - or not resettled by some r4s) but we have 72 members. That's why you "may need to wait" for new-better challenges

2-Try to do as much as "Yellow-Legendary Challenges". Those challenges give you more points with less "Task Slot". (İn example: 3600 minute of constriction/or research/or training task will give you 300 point. But; if you take 1800 minute of constr./research/or training task; it will only give you 180 points.)

3-Accept those challenges wisely for yourself. Check up before you accept any challenges that "you are able to do it". Because, only 7 free task you can accept. If you want to do more, then you need to click "+" button right next to your "0/7 Challenges Accepted" section in the alliance throw-down menu. (You can only have up to 3/4 new challenge slots with biocaps daily)

4-If the challenges like 45-120 points only and you have much more speedups that you would like to use; tell a r4 to reset the worthless challenges; so there may you have the one that you hope to!

-As your points increased, you will have "solo rewards" from the rewards section. (Solo rewards are the double ones)

-Besides solo rewards, you will have alliance ranking rewards. Those are the ones that right next to level. (the single rewards in rewards section)

**-Be careful about your taken challenge, every challenge have a "time interval", even-tho you complete it; but not "click complete" it will be counted as "Expired"!**

-As we do higher point, we will have right to "Rank Up our Alliance's Alliance Throw-down Rank". That's a little bit long name, but to sum up; we are starting it from the beginning, which currently being called "Rookie" in alliance throw-down. When we get higher in those ranks, our "Rewards" will be bettered and new levels in "Rewards Section" will be unlocked. (Up to some legendary hero fragments and more quantity of rewards)

-We are in a group of alliances, which all in "Rookie" atm; and if we be "top1" in those alliances, we will get some "Alliance Ranking Rewards" after the event finished; this rewards will be better as our alliance rank upper-ed.

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