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Influancer Trap

1. Donating to trap and completing the trap = Non participants will not get any rewards.(If they donate 1 cell while trap cells weren't 100/100, then they will get “victory level”if trap successful) Only trap participants will get reward for participating/hitting in the trap.

2. Failed trap and Successful trap has the same personal rewards. The rewards is based on your damage/point accumulated towards the trap event.

3. Successful trap gives another Alliance reward which contains Eva fragments and some other things. Failed trap doesnt.

The Trap is based on "Rallying an infected" thus, you need to set your troop formations based on your "Riders and Hunters" (ATVs, Bikers from Garage; Bows, Snipers from Range)

To increase your damage to maximum, you need to "Choose heroes with max. buffs on rider/hunter heroes" that you currently have. You can see what buffs you have on your heroes as you "click heroes-click military and see the buffs"

You have 3 different kind of heroes, "Fighter-Brawler-Scout" See for every different kind of your heroes, have which buff (You need to look for "Rider/Hunter Lethality-Attack" or "troop damage-troop attack-troop lethality" buffs. Others like "Troop health-infantry attack etc. will not work very efficient for trap)

Also, switching to "War Talents" on "Chief talents" will be beneficial; because war talents give such buffs into your army; yet we are still in the early stages of the game and it will not differ a lot "for now", also switching talents requires either 2.000 biocaps or Talent Reset item from Alliance Store (Which is 40.000 alliance funds)

In influancer trap, every person can only attend to a "single rally" at a time; unless the rally is made, and your troops "returning"to your base. So, don't think to equalize your troops, send your powerful troops, caring with the criterias that i mentioned above.

Also, Rally Leaders are very important in Trap, rally leaders "hero buffs" and "rally cap" is a huge factor to make more damage. Thus, we will choose the people who will lead the "Trap Rallies", which will allow all of us to damage more

  • Hot update on Trap: With last updates, now highest tier you have gives the best damage. (Excluding infantry)

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