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Infected Horde

You get a lot of "advanced alloy" "Chief gear tools" and "adhesives" as you make higher degree in the event. These items are used to build "chief gears" as you reach required HQ level. (very important for you to buff your attack/defend status)

How do you must act in infected horde?

1-)Recall all of your troops to your base

2-)Click to your wall/barricade-click defense/choose your "defending buff against infected" heroes. Sarge-Jane-Nicola one of the best build for defending "INFECTED HORDE". But, if you have higher level heroes, then use them for early stages (This will allow your defending status directly)

3-)If your defense kills less then %50 of incoming infected horde, it is counted as your defense failed, and your base will start burning.

4-)If your base burns for 2 times, then there wont be new horde waves will be coming to your settlement

5-)After your base burnt 2 times/failed defense 2 times; you can still fight with sending your troops to reinforcing bases that still having infected horde

6-)Points are distributed depending on "how much infected from a wave that your troops killed" and "higher wave= higher points"

7-) 7th and 14th waves of infected horde is "horde master", which will give 50.000 points from a successful defending.

8-)10th and 20th waves are "Rallies by the horde to Alliance HQ". In this wave, "a trap leader with high rally cap will send his troops to alliance hq to garrison it". After he garrisoned, other peep will send his troops to alliance hq. You can feel free to send full marches. Don't feel sad if its filled, it will give a few points from there, cus too many peoples troops will be in there.

9-)Recall your troops after wave 10 defended successfully

10-)If you want to be number 1 in this event, you need like 240k+ troops level 6 and higher and you gotta have deal to "let someone out his troops from its base" ; so you can earn points from those people infected waves. This will allow you to earn more and more points.

*Infected horde lasts for 120 minutes, after its started. For this, at least in 21:30 UTC it must be started

**Infected horde rewards will be sent the day after the event is done, and if you leave the alliance that you did infected horde, you wont get your solo point rewards; but you will only get "the alliance you join; alliance rank rewards only"

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