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Wounded Management and Enlistment Office

I will explain you how the "wounded" and "enlistment" works from in this post

So, as you already aware, "as you either fight with the npcs (=NPE = game monsters, not human ones)", or "Attack/defend players", wheter you successful or not, some of your troops will be "wounded", some of them "lost" some of them "lightly wounded" and "survived" . Let me introduce what each of these meaning is:

1-Survived: This means, that number of troops are not got even a scratch! They are the same as before you send them, nothing happened to those ones.

2-Lightly wounded: This is also the same with "Survived", you do not need to do anything; they are automatically "healed" by the game mechanism; which means "lightly wounded = survived"

3-Wounded/Heavily Wounded: This number of your troops must be healed from your hospital. Healing from hospital will take some resources and will take time; but it's always faster than training new ones, and cost much few rather then training.

4-Lost: Lost means that your troops "dead"* Which means, you cannot "heal" them anymore; they will be reduced from your "army count" and you won't see them in your hospital anymore

*If you see "lost" troops in your "defense" report, from your side; this doesnt mean a "full lost". Check up to the "enlistment"

Wounded and lost number is up to your army and the army that attacking side.

Yet, the army itself is never enough. Buffs, are more "VITAL" in our game mechanism while "Fightings" (no matter it is infected/player)

-Do i lose any troops, if i "fail" attacking to infected?

That is a NO. You won't lose any troops while attacking infecteds, even though it fails. In the worst case, you would only have "100-500" wounded/heavily wounded (you gotta heal them from your hospital)

-Do i lose any troop if i am attacking to a player?

That is a big YES. You will lose, more or less while attacking to another players. No matter if it is successful or not. Game mechanism works with "fighting each other". So, like in real wars, defender side can yet kill "some of your troops" even though it "fails" (This means, even you burn someone; with attacking them, some of your troops will be lost)

Besides, usually 2 or 3 times more than your lost, will be wounded as you attack (Whater it fails, or not)

-What if i attack a Garrisoned Alliance Tower/A resource tile/Camping-Occupying Troops?

You will not lose any troops while attacking those ones, whater it is failed or not. But, you will still get "some wounded" by each sides; no matter who is failed, and who had won. İf you win an attack to those ones, "Your enemy will have its 1/3 army wounded-heavily wounded"

İf you win an attack to "player base", "Enemies 1/3 army will still get only wounded" (even though you will get both wounded and lost)

If you lost an attack to "player base", 1/3 OF YOUR ARMY WILL BE LOST, + you will have some wounded-heavily wounded

-What if my hospital fulls with wounded troops?

AFTER your "Hospital Capacity reaches its wounded count", you will start seeing "no wounded" but only "LOST" in battle reports. This doesnt actually means that you lost them. Game mechanism still "calculates your normally wounded troops" and adds %76,9 of those wounded troops into your enlistment office.

Let's give an example:

Your hospital cap: 100.000 troops

Your enlistment cap: 400.000 troops (Enlistment cap= 4 times Hospital cap)


Yet, you had more 99.000 troops inside your settlement; but your defense failed with another attack you had. You will see in the report

"33.000 troops LOST" but you will also see total of "25.377" troops CAN BE ENLISTED

-So, i got plenty troops in enlistment office. How do i enlist them? Should i have "duty coins"

NO. You do not have to have duty coins. (1 duty coins = 1.000 enlistment points = 1.000 biocaps)

Your base will have a "Duty Rate" depending on your HeadQuarters level. This will be something like "5600" or "11500". But you will only see something like maximum "560" or "1150" (%10 of base duty rate)

-How to earn duty rates faster?

-You can earn duty by "collecting your daily mission crates" "gathering resources from wilderness" and "hourly duty points (base duty rate it is)"

How do i fasten my base duty rate?

-Upgrading your HQ will allow you to have "bigger" number of base duty rate.

-Emptying your woundeds, from your hospital will let you have "maximum base duty rate in that HQ level you currently have"

Do enlistment office require resources to enlist?

-No, ıt doesnt! Only thing that you need to do is just keep playing the game and leaving it to time in fact!

Here is also a Video for signifying the importance of "Timer Helps" & "Timer Help Duration"

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